Together we can face challenges, uncover wisdom, seek inner truth, and plan for a future filled with greater fulfillment and happiness.

At Barefoot And Balanced, We Love Watching Clients Progress and Evolve. Awareness and Life Satisfaction are a Journey We'll Take Together.

Let's Begin a Journey Together - Every Step is Progress and Growth

HEAL from Trauma

LGBTQia+ Counseling

Ethical Non-Monogamy

Postpartum Mental Health

Women's Issues


Grief Counseling

Somatic Therapy

Emotional Release

We support individuals and couples in traditional and non-traditional relationships.

We empower women through the many stages of transition in life. No matter if you are struggling or just resetting, we can help.

We're here for YOU!

Our ultimate goal is to support each person's growth through unprecedented support, unwavering compassion, and intentional skill-building.

We seek to encourage our clients through whatever challenges face them in the present, and hold their proverbial hands as they discover their inner strength and resources.

Meet our Founder, Heide

Heide Perry-Bringman is the mother of a thriving young adult, a nationally certified and dual-licensed professional counselor, a writer, a creativity enthusiast, and a long-time business owner. She loves supporting people to live their best life and strives to help clients achieve real, lasting results.

​She's the kid who has known what she wanted to do since high school. When her close friend went through a family tragedy and did not have access to therapy, a passion was sparked. Her friend's parents were Deaf and therefore could not find a therapist with whom to process their child's death. Why? Because few - if any - therapists in their area were fluent in American Sign Language. At age 15 she decided that was a problem she wanted to solve. Heide attended the only Deaf university in the world as a hearing person and obtained her graduate degree with honors.

Her passion to help marginalized populations only grew as she personally experienced postpartum depression and anxiety. She then leaned into learning about alternative relationship styles while living in the hub of polyamorous America. Heide's heart has always been invested in meeting the needs of underserved groups, and she loves offering non-judgmental access to positivity-based support.


alan therapist oregon
alan therapist oregon
Crafting Trust in Polyamory - Emotional Alchemy

Crafting Trust in Polyamory - Emotional Alchemy

Jealousy is often seen as a natural response to perceived threats to a relationship. In polyamory it takes some special magic to get past it and make a lasting bond. Let's explore! ...more

Polyamory ,Relationships

February 07, 20243 min read

Embracing Love's Infinite Potential: Exploring Polyamorous Relationships

Embracing Love's Infinite Potential: Exploring Polyamorous Relationships

Introduction: Love is a boundless force that defies traditional boundaries and expectations. It manifests in various forms, and one such expression is polyamory. In a world where individuals are seek... ...more


January 09, 20243 min read

Embracing Love's Infinite Potential: Exploring Polyamory

Embracing Love's Infinite Potential: Exploring Polyamory

Love is a boundless force that defies traditional boundaries and expectations. It manifests in various forms, and one such expression is polyamory. ...more


June 03, 20233 min read

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